Consultation for Medical, Mental Health & Student Service Professionals

Dr. Neuhof and her team provide Psychological CONSULTATION at the systemic and case levels, as well as management consultation, policy development, and training globally.

Dr. Jennifer Neuhof stands ready to offer her expertise in clinical consultation and support, professional development, and organizational growth to industry leaders and organizations worldwide. Her mission is multifaceted: to disseminate knowledge, promote best practices in behavioral health management, and foster climate improvement. By doing so, she aims to elevate interdisciplinary competencies, enhance organizational efficiencies, and ultimately contribute to public welfare.

Here are the key aspects of Dr. Neuhof’s specialized organizational services (consultation services are available in NYS, whereas education and training is available via Telehealth worldwide):

Clinical and Urgent Case Consultation

Dr. Neuhof specializes in providing guidance during critical moments. Whether faced with a challenging diagnosis or a treatment-resistant case, her insights illuminate pathways forward. When you consult with Dr. Neuhof, you share the responsibility for the situation, and she offers guidance and support as you navigate challenging decisions with high-stakes outcomes.

We will assist your team in addressing salient mental health concerns among your constituents through targeted outreach, timely intervention, and personalized referral services.

Policies and Procedures (P&P) Development for Climate Improvement & Proactive Risk Management

Drawing from her extensive experience, Dr. Neuhof develops clinically, legally, and ethically sound policies and procedures for schools, higher education institutions, and medical organizations. These measures effectively mitigate risk. The thoughtful development and delivery of such P&P have a profound and lasting impact on the community.

The first step is for Dr. Neuhof to conduct an organizational needs assessment of climate, service offerings, and policies and procedures. She will then partner with your team to design actionable steps for scalable improvement. We will make recommendations to address targeted systemic variables that either give rise to or perpetuate identified problem areas. Strategies may bypass or build up weaknesses and optimize strengths in your organization’s handling of behavioral health risks and emergencies.

“Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage.” ~Brene Brown

“Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage.” ~Brene Brown

We provide 1-hour complimentary consultations to discuss actionable steps for improving suicide prevention practices at your organization.
One small step can lead to profound change.
— Jennifer Neuhof, PsyD

Cornerstones: Early identification, risk and threat assessment, intervention, and postvention practices following collective trauma. We align with multiculturally and developmentally-appropriate, and evidence-based best practices, while taking into account the unique needs of your organization and constituents. Dr. Neuhof will assist your team in sensitively and effectively supporting those impacted and reducing the chances for contagion.

Trauma-informed care (TIC) at the systemic and individual levels

Dr. Neuhof has expertise in culturally and developmentally-sensitive TIC approaches. After she conducts a needs assessment, she will collaborate with you to design a macro-level TIC multi-prong systemic approach to improve the culture or services for survivors within your organization.

Psychotherapists may receive training and support in TIC implementation as well as consultation regarding their psychotherapy cases who present with histories of trauma. Issues of countertransference, vicious traumatization, and compassion fatigue can be addressed.

Combatting Burnout and Enhancing Well-Being

We design and deliver programs tailored to the needs of your healthcare professionals and organization. These programs aim to amplify well-being, alleviate burnout, and address compassion fatigue and vicarious traumatization.

Enhancing Clinical Insight and Case Conceptualization for Mental Heahlth Professionals

Mental health professionals engage with Dr. Neuhof to explore treatment ruptures, plateaus, and transferential patterns. In your work together, she will illustrate the use of self-reflection and empathy as diagnostic tools, and how to leverage the therapeutic relationship as a driver of transformation and change.

Dr. Neuhof and her team consult with physicians who have questions about psychosomatic disorders, the physical manifestations of mental illness, case conceptualization through a psychological lens.

Executive/Management Consultation & Support 

Our professional identity is a dynamic interplay between systemic and individual variables. In this post-pandemic era, systemic factors—such as workplace culture, family expectations, and economic realities—carry even greater weight. Amidst societal and family burdens, we often overlook our own wisdom, core beliefs, and burning desires that shape our professional selves.

As a licensed psychologist with extensive clinical, supervisory, and management experience, Dr. Neuhof offers a unique perspective. She assists clients in addressing both career-related and personal concerns, fostering personal mastery and fulfillment. Insight alone can be transformative, but Dr. Neuhof goes beyond mere understanding. She equips clients with strategies to bypass or transcend hurdles, envision dreams, and achieve them. The process involves deepening self-awareness and uncovering personal and organizational strengths.

Dr. Neuhof specializes in working with medical and mental health professionals, school and higher education administrators, and industry leaders. Together, we tackle a range of tough issues:

Executive/Management Consultation & Support

  1. Managing up and down: Navigating relationships with superiors and subordinates effectively.

  2. Transforming toxic environments: Whether it’s reshaping workplace culture or making the decision to leave.

  3. Promoting transparency in medical practice culture: Encouraging error reporting and openness.

  4. Reducing stigma and supporting mental healthcare seeking: With a renewed focus on medical providers.

  5. Inspiring growth through constructive feedback: Providing tough yet constructive input, up or down the hierarchy.

  6. Developing gold standard behavioral health policies: Tailored to your organization’s needs.

  7. Preventing burnout, compassion fatigue, and vicarious trauma: And recovery.

  8. Addressing self-esteem, learning disabilities, depression, and anxiety concerns.

  9. Finding purpose-driven paths: And making the shift.

    In a field where professionals often work in isolation, Dr. Neuhof’s consultation serves as a bridge, connecting expertise, and reducing professional social isolation. Reach out to explore how NPC services can elevate your organization’s well-being, safety, and service delivery to better meet your constituents’ needs and cultivate a productive and life-giving work culture.

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Consultation and Training


School &

Higher Education Professionals

Dr. Neuhof provides leadership and resources to schools and IHE’s regarding student behavioral health and campus safety. In collaboration with industry experts in school and higher education, mental health, education law, and diversity practices, Dr. Neuhof applies knowledge of practice standards across disciplines to provide clinically, legally and ethically sound solutions to prevalent school-community health problems.

In an era of heightened concern regarding students who present with serious mental health concerns as well as those who fly under the radar, Dr. Neuhof is committed to helping schools and IHE’s up-level their outreach and support services in a scalable manner that will improve institutional response and bolster students’ wellness and freedom to learn.

Dr. Neuhof—in concert with her esteemed colleagues—prioritize proactive risk management through the development of clear policies, comprehensive staff training, and model prevention and intervention programs. An overarching goal is the building of positive and inclusive institutional climates where behavioral health emergencies are less likely to occur. At the same time, we are standing by to provide guidance and support to school teams in urgent situations and times of postvention response.